February 10, 2025

How to Claim SSS Death Benefit in 4 Easy Steps


SSS death benefit

Beneficiaries of a deceased member can claim two benefits, i.e., funeral and death benefits. The SSS funeral benefit is a lump-sum amount. On the other hand, the SSS death benefit is either a pension or a lump sum, depending on who claims it and the number of contributions paid before the semester of death. Here is a complete guide to help you claim the two benefits.

How to Claim the SSS Funeral Benefit

Anyone who paid for the funeral expenses can claim the funeral grant. The benefit ranges from Php 20,000 to Php 40,000, depending on the contributions paid, the average monthly salary credit, and the submitted receipt.

The formula for computing the funeral benefit is:

Php 20,000 + (0.005 x number of contributions x average monthly salary credit (AMSC))

SSS Funeral Benefit

You must treat this benefit as a reimbursement kind of benefit.

Here is where things can get a little complicated. The maximum benefit you can claim or reimburse is equal to your submitted OR or computed funeral grant, whichever is lower.

For example, if the computed funeral benefit is Php 40,000 using the formula above but the amount indicated on the receipt is Php 35,000, the lower amount is the funeral benefit. So in this example, the claim is only PHP 35,000.

It was my mistake when I claimed the funeral benefit. The receipt given to me was only for PHP 20,000 because I only made an initial payment. It simply means that I can only claim up to a maximum of Php 20,000, even though I paid almost Php 80,000 for the funeral expenses, excluding the lot and interment.

So what are our recommendations?

  • If you don’t need the money, claim this benefit after paying the funeral expenses.
  • If you need it immediately, ask the funeral parlor for a provisional receipt for the actual amount.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask the funeral parlor; they know what to do. Some could even extend help to you.

Here are the steps for claiming the SSS funeral benefit:

1. Go to the nearest SSS branch

Check for the nearest SSS branch in your area and inquire about the requirements needed. You may also use this time to ask about the death benefit.

Forms are readily available in the branch. However, you may print them if you want. If you do so, you can file the claim on your first visit. The SSS accepts death certificates duly certified by the local civil registrar’s office. You can get it from the city hall where you filed the death certificate.

Here is the list of requirements:

  • Claim for Funeral Benefit (SSS Form BPN-103)
  • Death certificate duly certified by the Local Civil Registrar
  • Receipt of payment issued by the funeral parlor
  • Affidavit of funeral expenses
  • Report of Death (if the cause of death is work-connected)
  • Photo of the filer and valid IDs
  • Original or certified true copies of the supporting documents should be presented during the filing of the claim.

2. Submit the requirements

You can instantly file the SSS funeral claim on your first visit. Of course, you need to brave the long queue of claimants. Set your expectations; it took me about half a day every time I visited the SSS branch. Once you have submitted the requirements, ask for their number and the return date.

3. Claim the cheque

If you prefer to receive it in check, go to the SSS branch on the specified date. But because SSS is pushing checkless transactions, you may be paid online. If you are an SSS member, you must enroll a disbursement account in the Bank Enrollment Module (BEM) in your My.SSS portal.

Members may enroll in their preferred disbursement account, such as any PESONet participating bank, e-wallet, or Remittance Transfer Company/Cash Pay-Out (RTC/CPO) like M. Lhuillier.

If you are not an SSS member, you must submit a copy of a deposit slip, ATM card, or bank certification containing the bank account number, and you must be a PESOnet Participating Bank account holder or have an active mobile number for non-bank payments, e.g., e-Wallets like Paymaya and RTC/CPO like M. Lhuillier.

4. File it online

If you’re comfortable using the technology you can easily file it in the comforts of your home. Just log in to the My.SSS members account. Click the e-services tab and then click the “Submit Funeral Claim Application.” Complete the form and choose how you want to receive the money in the “Disbursement Account Enrollment Module.” Once done, click “Proceed” to validate and for you to upload the required documents. The SSS will send a confirmation email to you once you completed the process.

How to Claim SSS Death Benefit

Now, you’re ready to file the SSS death benefit. But don’t expect it to be a blissful experience just like how you claimed the funeral benefit. Based on my experience, it’s very time-consuming and the requirements are harder to get. You’ll know why in a bit.

So here are the steps in claiming SSS death benefit.

1. Go to the nearest branch

You may skip this part if you previously went to a SSS branch. If not, take this time to ask for the process, requirements, and eligibility to claim. Most of us don’t know that there are four types of beneficiaries and not all of them are eligible.

So this is how you can check who is/are eligible to file the claim.

4 Types of Beneficiaries:

  • The primary beneficiary is the spouse of the member.
  • If there is no spouse or if the spouse remarried, the secondary beneficiary, the parents of the deceased member can claim the benefits.
  • If there are no parents, the assigned beneficiary based on the SSS E-1 record can file the claim.
  • Lastly, if there is no assigned beneficiary, the claim can be filed by the legal heir/s based on the law of succession under the Civil Code of the Philippines.

You must allow at least half of a day in queuing. This is because several claimants lined up even before the branch opens.

2. Get a list of requirements

  • Death claim application (SSS DDR-1)
  • Affidavit of the claimant or Filer’s Affidavit
  • Death certificate of the member duly certified by PSA
  • A death certificate of the spouse duly certified by PSA
  • Death certificate of the member’s parent duly certified by PSA
  • Affidavit for Death Benefit Claim (SS Form CLD-1.3A)
  • Affidavit of Legal Heirs (SS Form CLD-1.3)
  • Marriage Contract
  • Marriage Contract of the parents
  • Birth/Baptismal Certificate of dependent children
  • Birth/Baptismal Certificate of member
  • A Birth/Baptismal Certificate of the member’s brother(s)/sister(s)
  • Birth/Baptismal Certificate of the minor beneficiary/ies
  • Proof of relationships such as the record of birth, a statement before a court of record, or any document acknowledging the relationship
  • Medical Certificate of incapacitated child/spouse
  • Accident Report/Report of Death (SS Form BPN-105)
  • Application for Guardianship (SS Form CLD-15)
  • Guarantor’s Form (SS Form BPN-107)
  • Joint affidavit of two (2) disinterested persons attesting to the fact, if such is the case, that _________ and _____________are one and the same person, stating therein the correct name.
  • Passbook /ATM card with a name or copy of validated deposit slip (original and photocopy) or Cash Card Enrollment Form, if pension
  • Recent residence certificate of the filer
  • Latest 1 x 1 picture of the claimant
  • Original and photocopy of claimant’s Social Security Card, Passport, PRC Card, Seaman’s Book, Driver’s License, or any two valid Ids, at least one with photo(e.g., Company ID, Senior Citizen’s ID, Police or NBI Clearance, Voter’s ID, etc.)
  • Other documents deemed necessary by the SSS

3. Compile the necessary documents

One of the most challenging parts of claiming the SSS death benefit is completing the required documents. If there are several claimants, you need to compile the supporting documents of each claimant. Also, they only accept death certificates duly certified by PSA which take several months before they will be available in their system.

Aside from the beneficiary, the dependents of the deceased member are also eligible to claim a dependent pension equal to 10% of the monthly pension or Php 250, whichever is higher.

  • Dependents must be below 21 years old unless incapacitated and financially dependent on the deceased member.
  • It can be claimed by up to 5 children starting from the youngest and no substitution will be allowed.
  • Children must be legitimate, legitimated, or legally adopted.
  • If there are less than five legitimate, legitimated, or legally adopted children then the illegitimate child(ren) may also claim to complete the 5 dependents.
  • The dependents must have no work.
  • The dependents must have no spouse.

4. Submit the requirements

In my experience, getting a death certificate from PSA is a headache. I went to the nearest PSA about 3 times before I was able to get it. This is because it took about 3 to 6 months before it will be uploaded on their system.

Mind you, you cannot just ask the PSA if it’s available or not because you have to fall in line each time. Also, you must pay for it every time regardless of whether it’s not yet available.

I just wished someone gave me a heads-up.

Now, if you already completed the requirements, you may submit them to the nearest SSS branch in your area. Once submitted, the SSS will hand you a document containing the list of requirements you gave them. They will also tell you when to come back.

During my time, I was asked to go back after a month. Don’t forget to bring a bag of patience and try to smile to brighten up the process.

5. Claim the cheque

Usually, the cheque will be ready in a month after submitting the requirements. Just go to the branch wherein you processed the claim and get your cheque. But to set your expectation they don’t give any computation, summary, or even a breakdown. Even if you ask them, they may not be able to give you one.

If you want to have an idea of how much you may expect to get, the benefit will depend on two things i.e., how many monthly contributions are paid and who is claiming the benefits.

  • If the deceased member has less than 36 monthly contributions, the beneficiary is entitled to get a lump sum benefit. The lump-sum amount is equal to the computed monthly pension times the number of credited monthly contributions. (E.g. the deceased member had paid 35 monthly contributions and the computed monthly pension is Php5,000 then the lump sum will be Php175,000).
  • If the deceased member had more than 36 monthly contributions, the beneficiary may be entitled to a monthly pension.

Note: The computation for the monthly pension is the same as how you compute for the SSS Retirement benefit. Just follow the link for a comprehensive discussion about this topic.

Back in 2015, the only way to claim this benefit is via cheque. Now that they are pushing for a checkless transaction, you may get the SSS death benefit in your preferred PESONet participating bank, e-wallet, or Remittance Transfer Company/Cash Pay-Out (RTC/CPO) like M Lhuillier.

Final Thoughts:

Losing a loved one is never easy from the emotional pain to the financial struggles the bereaved family has to endure. For some, the SSS funeral grant and the death benefit are a ray of hope to start another chapter of their life. Maybe, for the deceased member, it’s the only legacy he can leave to his family.

But regardless of reason, try to immortalize the money that you’ll get from the claim. Don’t forget to settle your debts, buy things that will make you remember your loved one, save, invest for the future, get insured, etc.

I hope this blog helped you!


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