September 9, 2024

When does a blog post truly resonate with your readers? When it speaks directly to their challenges and pain points.

The problem is, we don’t always know what those challenges are.

I decided to ask Tai, SBI!’s business-building AI assistant, to help me uncover my visitors’ pain points. As a real world example from my niche, I used the topic of learning embroidery stitches.

One of the best ways to use AI for your website is to gain a better understanding of your audience’s pain points.Click To Tweet

The Evolution of a Prompt: Simple Beginnings

I started the experiment with this simple prompt:

Explore the topic of learning new embroidery stitches and identify common challenges in this domain.

Before showing you the results, let me explain which settings I chose in Tai Freestyle and why.

First, there’s the Cheaper-Better selector. Cheaper uses GPT-3.5 and helps you save on Tai credit expenses. Use it for less demanding tasks like checking grammar and spelling or summarizing an article.

For high-value tasks like developing a monetization plan, outlining an article or digging into your audience’s challenges, choose “Better,” which uses the more advanced GPT-4 model.

Tai Freestyle

The second setting is the “Consistency-Variability Scale” (CVS). The CVS lets you determine how consistent or variable (aka creative) you want the content to be.

The default setting is 5. For today’s purpose, I dropped the CVS down to 4 to keep things more accurate.

Tai CVS scale

And here’s the result of running the prompt.

In case you can’t read the screenshot easily, here are the top three answers:

Embroidery is a unique art form that involves creating beautiful designs on fabric using yarn and a needle. Learning new embroidery stitches is a hobby for some and a passion for others. However, it can have its own set of challenges that need to be overcome in order to progress and improve. Let’s delve into some of the common challenges associated with learning new embroidery stitches.

  1. Complexity of Stitches: Some embroidery stitches are more complex and intricate than others. For beginners, understanding and mastering these stitches can be quite difficult. Stitches like french knots, bullion stitch, or Brazilian dimensional embroidery require more dexterity and precision than simpler stitches.
  2. Consistency: Achieving consistent stitch length and tension is one of the major challenges. Uneven stitches can make the design look unprofessional and unpolished.
  3. Understanding Patterns: Reading and understanding embroidery patterns or charts can be overwhelming for beginners. This is especially true for more complicated designs that require a variety of stitches.

The responses are pretty general, with not much to inspire me there, although they’re correct. So I decided to give Tai a little more instruction.

The Evolution of a Prompt: Giving Tai More Instructions

Here’s my new prompt:

Explore the topic of learning new embroidery stitches and identify common challenges in this domain. For each challenge:

  1. Describe the nature of the challenge.
  2. Explain why it’s a typical obstacle or sticking point in the topic.
  3. Provide real-world examples or scenarios illustrating the challenge.
  4. Discuss why these challenges are often difficult to overcome.

Focus on delivering clear, concise, and contextually relevant insights for each aspect of the challenge.

This time I got much more useful output.

Again, in case you can’t read the screenshot, here’s the first section of the results.

Challenge 1: Understanding and Following Patterns

  1. The nature of this challenge involves grasping the complex instructions that come with embroidery patterns. Embroidery patterns can be quite intricate and may use symbols or terms that beginners are unfamiliar with.
  2. It’s a typical obstacle because not only does one need to learn the stitches, but also how to read patterns, which is like learning a new language. This can be overwhelming for beginners.
  3. For instance, a beginner might struggle with a pattern that calls for a mix of stitches like the French Knot, Cross Stitch, and Satin Stitch. Interpreting what each symbol on the pattern means and then executing the correct stitch can be challenging.
  4. These challenges are often difficult to overcome because they involve both cognitive understanding and manual skills. Overcoming them requires patience, practice, and often guidance from a more experienced embroiderer.

Much better! This really makes me think of the difficulty from a beginner’s point of view.

Refining your prompt makes a world of difference to the output quality of AI-generated content.Click To Tweet

The Evolution of a Prompt: Giving Tai a “Role” to Play

I wondered if I could improve things further?

So I revised the prompt again. This is what I ended up with…

You are an analytical expert specializing in the identification and analysis of challenges within various topics. Your role is to provide a thorough exploration of specified topics, identifying common obstacles and articulating why these challenges are significant. Your responsibilities include:

– Detailed Analysis: Scrutinize each challenge to understand its nature and implications in the context of the given topic.

– Contextual Examples: Offer real-world scenarios or examples that clearly illustrate each challenge.

– Insightful Reasoning: Explain why these challenges are typical in the field and why they are difficult to overcome.

– Clarity and Conciseness: Ensure that your analysis is clear, focused, and to the point, avoiding unnecessary details.

Approach each topic with a critical and analytical mindset, aiming to provide valuable insights that deepen the user’s understanding of the challenges within that topic.

The topic is learning new embroidery stitches.

I ran this prompt and got the following results:

More refined prompt

Here’s a close-up of the same section about understanding patterns.

Understanding Patterns:

Another challenge is deciphering embroidery patterns, which can often appear complex and confusing to beginners. This includes understanding different symbols and their corresponding stitches.

Real-World Scenario: This is similar to learning to read musical notes for an instrument. The symbols may seem alien, but with time and practice, they become second nature. A novice might struggle to remember what each symbol represents, leading to mistakes in the stitching.

Why It’s Typical and Difficult: This challenge is common due to the inherent complexity in translating a two-dimensional pattern into three-dimensional stitches. It’s difficult because it demands strong spatial abilities and attention to detail, traits that can be challenging to develop.

Not bad! This response puts things more in context, although it didn’t use my “labels” for each section.

I noted the credits available before running this and after. It went from 9813 to 8950, which wasn’t bad at all.

My final step in this experiment was to try my last prompt on a different topic. This time I picked “learning camera settings on a DSLR.” I opened a new Tai Freestyle session for this one.

Results of camera challenges prompt

Here’s the text of the first two challenges…

  1. Challenge: Understanding the Interplay Between Aperture, Shutter Speed, and ISO

Detailed Analysis: Aperture, shutter speed, and ISO form the cornerstone of photography, known as the “exposure triangle.” Each element affects the final image differently, creating a delicate balance that DSLR users must master.

Contextual Examples: In low light situations, a photographer might increase the ISO to make the camera sensor more sensitive to light. However, this can result in a grainy or noisy image. To counteract this, they could open the aperture or slow the shutter speed, but this could either decrease the depth of field or cause motion blur. It’s a balancing act.

Insightful Reasoning: This challenge is common since these settings are interdependent and altering one requires adjusting the others to compensate. The complexity increases as each adjustment can impact the artistic quality of the image.

  1. Challenge: Learning to Focus Properly

Detailed Analysis: Modern DSLRs have complex autofocus systems with multiple modes and hundreds of focus points. Learning to control these settings and understand when to use each can be overwhelming.

Contextual Examples: Suppose a photographer is capturing a still landscape versus a fast-moving sports event. The focus mode used in each situation will differ, requiring the user to switch between single-point focus and continuous focus, respectively.

Insightful Reasoning: This challenge is frequent because focus is crucial to producing sharp images, and each situation requires a different approach. Moreover, the complexity of modern autofocus systems can sometimes confuse learners.

This time Tai kept my labels and gave me the Detailed Analysis, Contextual Examples and Insightful Reasoning that I had requested. I wonder if I had run this last prompt for the stitches topic in a new session it would have done the same? Let’s check!

Here are the results.

Refined camera challenges prompt results

And the section on following patterns again in close up…

4) Challenge: Understanding and Following Patterns

Detailed Analysis: Embroidery patterns can be complex and hard to follow. They use various symbols to denote different stitches and colors, and interpreting these correctly is crucial to accurate execution.

Contextual Example: A pattern may indicate that certain areas should be filled with satin stitches, while others should be done in backstitches. Misinterpreting these symbols can lead to the wrong stitches being used.

Insightful Reasoning: This challenge is significant because misreading a pattern can lead to mistakes that are hard to correct. Overcoming this requires careful attention to detail and often a degree of prior knowledge or experience, which can be challenging for beginners.

Compare this to the result my first, simple prompt generated:

Understanding Patterns: Reading and understanding embroidery patterns or charts can be overwhelming for beginners. This is especially true for more complicated designs that require a variety of stitches.

Quite the difference, don’t you think?

Another lesson learned here is to start a new session if you build on the prompt.

Uncover Visitor Pain Points With Tai: Key Take-Aways

  1. Develop a focused prompt: Craft a clear prompt that guides Tai towards identifying specific challenges within your chosen topic. The more specific the prompt, the more insightful the results.
  2. Iterate and refine: Tai learns and responds based on your prompts. Don’t stop after your first prompt. Refine it based on Tai’s initial responses. Each iteration can lead to deeper, more targeted insights. Once you have your final prompt, use it in a new Tai Freestyle session.
  3. Embrace context: Go beyond just identifying challenges. Ask Tai to explain why they’re common and how they impact your audience. This contextual understanding is crucial for creating truly helpful content.
  4. Seek real-world examples: Don’t get lost in abstract information. Ask Tai to illustrate challenges with relatable scenarios, making them easier for your audience to understand and connect with.
  5. Ask for clarity and conciseness: While Tai offers detailed information, ask it to provide its results in a clear, concise manner.

Bonus tip: Save successful prompts in Tai’s Prompt Library. This way, you can access it for similar tasks in the future.

You can also make it accessible to fellow SBI! members, just like I did with mine.

I hope you found my experiment helpful and that it encourages you to run a similar test for your own prompts.

If you haven’t tried Tai yet, go ahead and sign up now. You’ll get 20,000 credits for free. There’s no subscription and you don’t have to be an SBI! member to use it.

How I Used Tai to Uncover My Visitors\' Pain Points (And You Can Too!)

Carol Leather
Carol Leather is head of content at SiteSell. She started her first successful online business,, with Solo Build It! in 2006 and it’s still going strong. She loves photographing and drawing wildlife. She shares her walks in the English countryside on her new site When she is not busy with all the above, she works on her two art sites! All using Solo Build It!, of course.
Carol Leather

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